diumenge, 18 de juliol del 2010

*** nenée web: map section ***

:DDDDDDDD lot of time waiting to do this!!! ^__^
*** MAP section is now available at nenée website!***

There are several section in the web that are not open yet.
And it missed some index or map that showed it.
Sure that some visitors got in trouble because of that,
thinking that it was a web/internet browser problem.
I apologise for any inconvenience U____U

Hope it helps from now :)

***XD and we're alive from Monegros Desert Festival!!!***
17th 18th July, 2010 - Fraga (spain)

We couldn't dance untill 11am and see Ben Sims LIVE,
we were really tired. We went to car to sleep at 4,30 am.
But it was an amazing night anyway! Waiting for 2011 edition!

***2ManyDj's LIVE***

***sand, heat and techno***

1 comentari:

  1. Excelentes fotos!, que bien se la pasan allí en los festivales, no veo la hora de terminar de pagar el auto para poder hacerme el viaje hasta allá!

