dissabte, 13 d’abril del 2013

*** Interview to nenée by Veropuzzle ***

I was interviewed by Veropuzzle (Verónica MªB. Tacoronte),
a great friend from Las Canarias islands I 've met on Deviantart.
*** THANK YOU ***
This interview was done on July 2012 and I've been so busy I have not been able to post it here.
Veropuzzle, so sorry >________<

Enjoy her interview! I had lot of fun replying her questions!

 Just about, at which age did you begin to draw?
Nenée: I started drawing when I was 6 or 7 years old. I think so.

 Do you remember which kind of drawing did you usually do? Which kind of material did you usually use?
Nenée: I was obsessed with horses. I can remember copying a riding horse from a Tintín comic (with the help of my sister XD). I think this obsession began with a song that made me think of a riding horse. It was a powerful picture in my head. I drew with pencil and felt pens.

 How many time did you usually dedicate to draw or paint? And nowadays?
Nenée: I can’t remember properly but I drew daily. I'd like to make little comics of magical horses^^

Full interview here:

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