dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2009

finally! *** ILLNESS new VegixBulma fancomic***

Wueeeee!!!! OMG, what a last week @____@
car accident, stomach ache, back ache and friday night:
tonsillitis (amigdalitis).
So I couldn't work with comic, no energy. I was upsed. I hope Bulma could help me somehow too XD It's curious while doing a comic about diseases I got ill XD.

Anyway, it seems black week is over (crossing fingers)
and finally, new VegetaXBulma fancomic is finished!! Sorry for delay and thanks for reading it here or deviant or website. I' m really happy.

I should be working on Babyboom project too >___< VegiXBulma fancomics/fanpics are really addicting...ups

1 comentari:

  1. Que?!, vaya semana amiga!, la vida te esta poniendo a prueba porque debe venir algo que necesita de todas tus fuerzas, no te apures y junta fuerzas!!, te mando un abrazo enorme y me paso por tu deviant un rato =D

