diumenge, 10 d’octubre del 2010

*** While studying ***

Vegi is a super daddy!! hahaha! I think he never imagined doing things like this in the past :D Bulma is having lot of fun XD

This is a long weekend!! Before start studying today, I've done this comic strip XD Hope you like it!
I miss posting Pink Lovers comics but I have to be patient. I have to study. So meanwhile, I'm working on Pink Lovers season 2 and trying to post some sketches and other small comics. Thanks for waiting, you're lovely! *__*
I'm really really happy you enjoy my comics

2 comentaris:

  1. Super papa!, que buena solución a varios problemas!


  2. Ideas tengo, el tema es saber si quieres dibujar (a tu tiempo nadie nos apura) o quieres escribir, lo mismo digo, gracias por los ánimos!

    Son para una convención que se va a hacer acá en Argentina, en Rosario, una provincia, viene editores de afuera y uno de ellos es de los Teen Titans, espero poder mostrarselas =P
