dijous, 18 de març del 2010

*** Beginnings ***

I also had a new pic to upload.

I keep thinking about how Vegeta and Bulma relationship began.
It's a big fandom mystery and it's really cool!! XD
Sure it was not easy, both of them have obstinate tempers.

I have to admit that Vegeta muscles are not ok ^^U...
I only can draw after working or at weekend
so I try to draw fast and I don't search for enough info.

Jl, debo documentarme!! >___<
I must learn about anatomy. Pics will be more professional then.

Website news!
There was a problem udpating DragonballZ fanart section
and new updates are only available here, in blog or in deviantart page:

I hope I'll be able to fix it soon!

1 comentari:

  1. Hahaha!, lo interesante es que de una forma u otra a la vista no te molestan, es decir, los colores con tan buenos que lo ultimo que vi es la musculatura de Vegetta. Es más puedo decirte que cuando te documentes será mas simple!, voy a buscarte algún link con algún libro, ya verás lo fácil que te será con el talento que tienes.

    Como haces para darle esa tonalidad de "atardecer" a toda la pintura, es una capa de Photoshop?


