dijous, 1 de setembre del 2011

*** Waiting for the book**

Yay!!! Nervous!!! Aviat ha d'arribar la prova d'impressió!♥
In few days, I'll have the final printing sample of Pink Lovers book.
I'm still translating the contents to Catalan and Spanish and I have to make some changes on the book design. But I think that the book will be ready on the 2nd week of September.

Handling and shipping are my main problems. I wanted to sign every book. It increased the book's price because first I have to receive the books from printer and then sending the book to buyers. This means double shipping cost U____U
So I have to discard this option. I'm sad because I wanted to sign & make a draw in every sold book.

But on the other hand, buying directly from the printer will be a good choice for buyers. Also thinking of ebook option for those who are curious and don't have too much money.
Posting official info in next weeks! Cross fingers!!>___< que no passi res.

HUGS! and thanks x reading :D *** !gracias x leer! *** gràcies x llegir ^__^


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